Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Preface to Volume 1

This devotional material arises from an initiative I put forth in 2015 to two Christian WhatsApp chat groups to go through a daily Bible reading plan in that year. What prompted me on this journey was an article I read from the Navigator News in which a young student convert, delivered from his addiction to computer games, made a decisive and complete break from his time-wasting habit by getting rid of all his treasured games collection, and replaced it with a deep love for reading God's Word. In fact, in a space of two years he read the whole Bible six times!

That is no mean feat for a new Christian, considering there are many long-time believers who might not have read the Bible even once in their lifetime. There is really no excuse for anyone living in a country with freedom of belief and full accessibility to the Bible, printed or in electronic form, not to make an effort to read through the Book of books. Even if one is illiterate or visually impaired, there is still a wide selection of audio Bibles out there with no lack of modern gadgetry to aid in listening to a narrated form.

Having read through the Bible four times myself alternatively in English and Chinese, I can understand the difficulties faced by anyone who sincerely wants to take up this challenge, only to see his or her initial enthusiasm dwindles away by all the seemingly boring ceremonial details in Leviticus, or if he or she manages to get past that first hurdle, only to be stumped by the long list of genealogies found in the volume of Chronicles. So what is it that enables some people to read the Bible from cover to cover, year after year, when the majority could not seem able to even do it once, regardless how hard they try or however long it takes them?

I believe it has to do with the heart attitude—how we regard God's Word in the first place. Reading the Bible in itself takes effort and requires self-discipline, and I am not even talking about studying, understanding or applying it here; just simply reading it. Anyone who sets off to learn a skill or take up a course needs a clear goal or objective in mind or it will either end in failure or not achieve the desired result. The goal or objective is the basis that motivates us when the going gets tough and we feel like giving up.

What then is the goal or objective for reading the Bible? To know the Author—God, as He reveals Himself to us within the pages of inspired writings, Who He is and how we can have a real, vibrant, living relationship with Him. The Bible is essential for spiritual nourishment and growth just as food is to the physical body. Wisdom and insights gained from meditating and applying its principles and truths are just as valuable for a fulfilling life of faith.

It is my prayer and hope that as you embark on this enriching journey of 77 days through the New Testament, you will not only discover the pleasure of reading God's Word, but also find gems of truth that will have you coming back for more.

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